Sunday, May 16, 2010

As Time Leaves us

got to 1:06 for the song

I have been hearing this song the radio and thinking about what it would be like to live forever young. As the school year winds down I have realized that there isn't nearly enough time for homework let alone other things I want to do, like hanging out with my girlfriend or friends. If I had more time, there are tons of things I wish I could be doing. There are different ways to look at this theory. Would it be better to live forever or just to make the most of what little life you have? I think there are pros and cons of each.

If you live forever, you don't have to worry about the amount of time you have. But everyone else still does. The problem would be having to watch your friends grow old and die when never will. I would hate to lose everyone I loved even if I would get an eternity to do whatever I wished. It is the same idea as the story Tuck Everlasting. In that book, the family finds a lake where, if you drink from it, you live forever. It is a cursed miracle and not as good as the alternative.

Since noone can live forever, we just have to try our best to do everything we can before we can't anymore. What that is really depends on the person. I just think that everyone should do what they want so they have no regrets about it when they die. We would all be happier if we got to do that.


  1. i agree with your conclusion conan. we shud do what we want to do. but if i had the other option of immortality, the masochistic alter-ego of mine would have taken it. ;)
    being an immortal vampire is not such a a bad idea, wouldn't you say!

  2. This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
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  3. Time has no mercy. It destroys everything.

    We simply aren't perfect and never will be.

    Anyone who tries to live forever will become ash. Perhaps this fate will fall upon those even faster than one can live a life.
