Wednesday, April 28, 2010

But Where is the Audience?

I am, as most of you know, writing this blog for my language arts class. The point that we originally said was that we were writing to an audience but is that really the case? I have tried to put questions into my blog posts so that I could see if people were reading my blog but so far I have never had any of those questions answered. So I have concluded that I am merely writing this blog for no reason except for the grade and my teacher. If I am wrong, please respond to this post with some answer. I don't care what you say, just that you comment somewhere on this post or another one. I want to know that I actually have viewers so that I can fell like there is a point in trying to write well and not just putting random words on a page. This video is of a crazy old and funny show that I recently rediscovered called Who's Line is it Anyway? It is on weekdays from 11:00pm to 12:00am. If you haven't seen it I suggest you do. I am attempting to put up a funny post to try and get more follwers and people who will write comments, so tell your friends to look if you like it.

1 comment:

  1. I like reading your posts. They're very fun and interesting to read.
    So I'm commenting to tell you that you DO have an audience.
    I like reading about things that you find interesting, and about things that are important to you. Readers can sense your enthusiasm and want to keep reading.
    So keep on writing! Your audience demands it! :3
