Sunday, April 11, 2010

How Can Asking a Simple Question be so Extravagant?

It's Prom season! And that means that all of the seniors are asking their sweet hearts if they will go to prom with them. The thing that I wonder is almost this: Why ask when you know that they will say yes? The answer is that it is one of the most fun things to do in your high school career and, from what I have heard almost as good as prom. I think that I have seen some of the most creative ways of doing it this year.

The first one was the way my girlfriend asked me. I got over to her house and I found a note on her door that said I was going on a scavenger hunt. As I kept going on the scavenger hunt around her house she left notes that had some of the most romantic moments in our relationship on them and always led me to another spot in her house. When I got to the basement, I opened all the envelopes to find the words "Will you go to prom with me" hand drawn in oil pastels. It was a great way to look back at the great times we have had and what was next. I was ecstatic she asked me.

The next one that came was by one of the most funny and creative people I know. First you need to know a few things. Or choir room has a projector screen and a wall of mirrors facing it. You will see that this is a major factor in the proposal. At the end of class on April fools day, our choir director put in a DVD for us to watch. It started and what came up was what I expected: John Burroughs High School Chamber Choir 2009. I know that is a great school and I figure that they had probably performed a sing we were singing really well. But then the screen turned grey and a voice said " we have a message for Ellen Bardsley." Everyone knew what was happening at that point but we were all intrigued. The video suddenly broke out into this orange and red and yellow background and would break into pictures of Lars sitting trying to think of how to ask her. In tyhe end he writes the words on a piece of paper but it is backwards. So he tells her to turn around and it is in the mirror forward and says, "will you go to prom with me?" Everyone ooohed and aaahhhed and she ran over to hug Lars. It was really fun and romantic. I think everyone agreed it was one of the best.

Then the final one came during the Queen Concert I mentioned earlier on my blog. Spencer, who was performing in the concert with the choir, went up to talk to the lead singer after the rehersal that morning. My girlfriend had wanted to talk to him to so we were waiting our turn while Spencer talked. After we heard what he had said we didn't have anything left to say. That night he was going to have the singer stop in the middle of the show and ask for Spencer's girlfriend to come down in front of the stage. Spencer was then going to had her a red rose and ask her to go to prom with him and then the band would play your my best friend. As it turned out she could get to the front of the stage. So she stood up at the edge of the balcony, the lead singer ran out into the audience and threw the rose to her(which she caught), and Spencer asked her from the stage and then ran out into the audience to see her. It was very spontaneous and huge. I wondered how you even think that you could do something like that but if that is possible, I'm sure that nothing is to much to ask someone to prom with you.

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