Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Higher, The Better

Why does it seem that everyone, girls especially like guys who can sing really high. I don't have a really high voice, my highest note is a "G" above middle "C". There are kids at my school who can hit high "C"s without even blinking. Think of all of your favorite guy singers on the radio. If they don't sing at least an "A" I would be surprised. In a world where everone sings high, the higher the better is truely the way of the world. To show this, here are some examples.

Michael Jackson. He may be gone but there is no diputing that his voice was the highest that most people have ever heard. I wonder why.....

My personal favorite of the idol contestants. He can sing higher than these songs would normally ever require you to. So he rewrote them to be even higher than normal.

Ryan Toby is amazing. Just listen to that note at 2:30. That's all I have to say.

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