Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Junior Slump

I know people talk about a slump in your grades junior year because the classes are somehow harder, but that is not what I am referring to. I am talking about my recent fall from the performing arts.

I was living large sophomore year. I was in all of the plays,had a solo in show choir, and was first chair cello. I auditioned for the fall musical I Love You, Your Perfect, Now Change and made and I was super excited. That was when my fall began. I went to audition for TCR's Alter Boyz, a cool show about a fake christian rock band on their last show of their tour. I had never made anything at TCR but I thought I might have a chance. When I did the audition I completely failed and I was a little upset but I figured I hadn't made anything there before so why should I now?

It got worse when I auditioned for Almost, Maine, the fall play at my school. I walked in thinking I was ready but when I was on stage doing the lines and the part I didn't feel the same connection I once had to my parts. I walked out knowing that I wouldn't get a part and sure enough, I didn't. This was more depressing because I knew that I had done a terrible job and that if I would have done better I might have made it.

The next occurrence was with orchestra chair auditions. We got the material and I practiced on it to make sure i had it up to par. I even put in the right dynamics. I went in and auditioned for my director. He told me that he was very impressed with my use of dynamics and musicality. I took that as a good sign that I would be first chair again as I was last year. Much to my surprise, I received fourth chair. I was furious and amazed. How could I have nearly aced the audition and not have made anything higher than fourth. I believe that it came down to the fact that I don't take private lessons and he thinks I won't drop orchestra. Last year, when I was first chair, I was a sophomore and beat out two juniors to get it. the juniors, who are the new seniors and first and second chair, dropped all extra orchestras and groups and barely stayed in regular orchestra because they were so upset. My director couldn't have that so he would never dream of putting me in front of them again. He knew that I was a good enough person that I wouldn't drop his class so he could put me lower than I have ever been before. So, ends the third event in the list.

The final thing happened just last week with auditions for Playtime Poppy, the kids show that we put on every year at my school. I know the director well and I was really looking forward to auditioning. Sophomore year we did 101 Dalmatians and I was Roger, the owner of the dogs and the man who writes Cruella DeVil. I couldn't wait to be back in one of the Poppy casts because we are always less serious and are usually people who aren't in every play. I went to auditions and did the reading right after I came in. I thought I did well for having never seen it until I read it. we then went on to singing. it was a funny song we had to perform and he asked us to try and act while we sang it. I was one of the few people who did act and I thought I did a good job at it. Unlike Almost, Maine auditions, I walked out feeling like I was in it for sure because I had given one of my best auditions. But when the results were posted I was shocked to see that I didn't make it. The show was full of old Dalmatians people but not me. Even my freshman sister made it.

And so I have reached rock bottom. I have failed to make it into every kind of performing arts because I also don't have a solo in show choir this year. I have gone into a slump and I'm not sure how to get out. If I can't make shows with good auditions then how can I change to make any show I try out for? It is a problem and I will have to solve it or .... who knows if I will ever make a show again.

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