Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Construction of a Show

I was thinking back to what I said about a show choir ballad and I started thinking about the rest of a show. Each of the songs plays a significant role in the construction of a show and without even one of them it would be noticeably in complete. To demonstrate this, I analyzed the songs in the 2008-09 Happiness inc. show.

the show began with starting here/ can you feel it. A good opener is one that draws you into the show slowly and also gives a burst of excitement. The opener is the first time that people, especially judges, watching your show get to hear you sing and see you dance so it has to be amazing. People don't want to watch you if you don't start off strong no matter how good the rest of your show is. This opener did just that by having the slow and well sung starting here followed by the up tempo can you feel it to show off their dancing.

Something that makes Happiness different is the use of a novelty. A novelty is a funny song that lightens the mood of the show. It is very effective at contrasting to the other songs in the show. It doesn't show off vocals or dancing but it shows that a group can act which is hard to do in other numbers. This was a novelty that did that and more by having good vocals and dancing along with amazing acting. It wasn't meant to be excessively funny just lighter and more dramatic than the other songs.

The ballad is supposed to change the whole rhythm of the show. It slows things down and gives the performers a chance to really show off their vocals. It is the most emotional piece in a show and that is exactly what this year's was. With two minutes of A Capella singing at the beginning and a strong finish it was amazing and even brought people to tears. That is what a ballad should do.

The fourth number is meant to change the mood again. It is an edgy song that puts a dark mood on things. this song did that. Abracadabra and magic man both have an air of mystery surrounding them. Coming off the sad but almost uplifting Fix you this was a big step in a new direction and it was great for the show.

The closer of the show has to be a huge number for intensity. It is the last song in your set so everyone is completely drained. That is why if you can pull of a high energy, fast paced, and strong vocally and choreographically to impress the people watching. If this song isn't the exact essense of what a closer is then i what to see the that number. There was more energy in that number than any I have seen and it was the closer to a very difficult show. I give Happiness props for pulling it off.

And that is the make of a Happiness inc. show. The basis for every show is the same but with minor changes and those are what make all the difference. A show that has elements no one expects, uses props, or makes you laugh are the shows that win competitions and are always remembered. Just like Happiness inc. 08-09.

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