Sunday, February 7, 2010

Songs About Medicines

As I was looking through the songs in Sweeney Todd before auditions this week I found a song called Senior Pirelii's Miracle Elixir. This song is funny and ridiculous but I realized that I had heard of other songs like that one.

This stuff is probably, as Sweeney describes it, piss, but it is supposed to grow your hair back. We have products like that in stores but what ever happened to the random people on the street selling you products that were "completely safe and effective"?

These others deal with love and less about actual health related matters.

Love Potion number Nine. the perfect love drink and the original. This song is the way I picture a gypsy making a love potion, mixing it in a sink and selling on the streets. But I don't no that aphrodisiacs work for real.

this is basically the modern version of Love Potion Number Nine. It is used at a bar by a rap singer and it is a drug more than likely. This is just another example of this type of song.

So why a theme about potions and elixers? I think it is because we write songs about what we are thinking about and, in the case of those, they wanted what the potion would have given them.

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