Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Way

I always thought that I would always know what I needed or wanted do in my life but now I'm not so sure. As a child, I always used to say I loved dinosaurs. I said I wanted to be a paleontologist and dig up dinosaur bones. It sounded like the coolest and simplist job in the world back then. But once I got into high school, I decided that I liked something else: music. That job seemed like even more of a dream come true and in reality it probably would have to be for me to become a famous singer. And based on the way the economy is going, neither of those jobs is really economical for a career. When I started debating this I looked back at a song we did in show choir freshman year, "Show Me the Way" by Styx.

That song really adresses the feelings that I have and I'm sure others do to. The question is, who are you asking to show you the way? Some would say god because to most that seems like the most reasonable subject for the song or that is who they always turn to but I think that we can turn to something more tangable then that. The people who will really show us the way are the people who we love and who protect us. Our friends, our families, our teachers, and everyone else we respect and love teach us what we need to know so that, when the day comes, we will be ready to choose the right way and suceed in whatever we do. Maybe it won't be what we thought we wanted; maybe we will change our minds and go down a completely different path but no matter what we choose to do with our lives, those who helped you choose it will always support you and guide you even after you have made your choice.

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