Doubled Necked Guitars were the first strange instrument I thought to look at. The Guitarist for Led Zeppelin uses among others. They are usually made with one six string neck and one twelve string neck but there are an infinite number of combinations. They are used for easily switching from on type of guitar to another such as fretted to fretless or with a different type of pick ups. They can be very crazy such as the Pikasso Guitar which has 42 strings!

I also looked at electric stringed instruments for fun. They allow the quite natured strings to be loud and to serve as rock style instruments like electric guitars. Here are some pictures of these odd instruments.

This is the electric cello that I own. It can be played acoustically but it is very quite since it doesn't have a body to resonate sound. I think it is cool because it is shaped like the Golden Books "G".

this is a typical electric violin. it has next to no body so it can't make very much acustic sound but it can with the pick up. electric string instruments (including guitars) can be amazing shapes because they don't have to have any thing but a neck, strings, and a pick up to play.
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