"When I was at the sales conference, my friends and I talked about how crucial
communication is for sales. We realized that in about five or ten years, when
the next generation takes over sales jobs, the companies will fall apart because
they don't have communication skills anymore. You can't use facebook to sell
advertising."And you know what? They are right. With more and more easier forms of communication, people just don't sit down and talk.
Think about how much time you spend on Facebook, Twitter, txting, or other virtual forms of communication. For most of you, it probably quite a bit. The average teen, acording to this site and this site and many others, spends over 30 hours on the computer doing non-school related work. That is a lot of time and it is time that could have been spent talking to friends personally instead of while you are sitting at a computer, typing in a chat bar. The man who said you can't sell things on Facebook is right. Are you more likly to spent thousands of dollars in your companies advertising money while you sit at a computer not even able to hear or see the person you are giving it to or if you are eating at a fancy resturant, a man in a suit comes and firmly shakes your hand, you make small talk and enjoy the meal all while he explains his idea on how to promote your buisness and make you money? Almost everyone would choose the last one and it's clear why. People like personal meetings but they don't like to work at setting those types of meetings up. We would choose the first choice because we are lazy and feel more comfortable not talking to people even though we enjoy doing so when someone else does the work. So, do I think that advertising will disappear and buisnesses will fail because of it? No. I believe that, since we enjoy face to face conversation naturally, there will always be someone who knows how to talk to people and can sell advertising.
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