In my family, we find ways that everyone in the family can come and see performances that we give. However, I know that this isn't always the case. Sometimes it is a ticket price issue or there is a really good reason for why they can't come and see there family perform. But often I feel that is not the case. I know people who's parents just decided not to come and watch them perform. It is a sad fact but not uncommon to have no one in the audience when you perform I feel and it shouldn't happen. Life is too short. Do not say that there will be other performances because you do not know that and you can't be sure that you will be able to see those. While at the District Speech competion a week ago, I watched a small section of the show "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee." It is a funny show and you should check it out if you don't know it. In the show, there is a song about this issue: having no one to watch you perform. This girl, Olive Ostrovsky, is trying to spell a word meaning highly unrealistic, or wildly fanciful, and she day dreams that her parents are saying that they love her. Her mom is away in India on mission and her father is abusive and doesn't care about her. That is a whole other issue: child abuse. In 1999, an estimated 3,244,000 children were reportedly victims of child abuse and the number has grown since then. chlid abuse is a terrible thing. To learn more or see what you can do to help vist this site . Between neglect and abuse, poor Olive has all of the extremes. this is her song about it. I hope you enjoy it.
Here are the lyrics:
MR. PANCH (spoken)
Miss Ostrovsky. Chimerical
OLIVE (spoken)
May I have a definition?
MR. PANCH (spoken, voice fading out)
It means unreal, magical, visionary, wildly fanciful, highly unrealistic
If I go to Washington
Will I be on my own?
Because if I go to Washington
Who will be my chaperone?
We always knew you were a winner
We saw it when you smiled
Start from the beginning
When you were a beginner
You were the perfect child
We always knew
We always knew
You were a champion
You sadness filled my room
Dear if you should feel my gloom
Blame it on me
Blame it on your Daddalee and Mammalee
‘Cause depression runs in our family
I love you
I love you
I love everything about you dear
And I swear it’s true
I love you
I love you
And my dad says
I love you
I love everything about you [DAD: baby, MOM: babe]
And maybe it’s true
I love you
I wrote you a letter
How I found the spelling bee such fun
Mama, Mama, Mama
But you didn’t react
And you never asked me
If I’d join you in the Bombay sun
Mama, Mama, Mama
I had quietly packed
When are you returning?
I know we agreed
Tell me what you’re learning
Ma, I have, Oh God, this need
I think Dad is angry, Ma
And I do not know what to do
Mama, Mama, Mama
Shanti Shanti and all
I think he takes out on me
What he wants to take out on you
Mama, Mama, Mama
How I wish you were home
How I wish you were home
How I wish you were
Wish you were home
We always knew you were a winner
How I wish you were home
A bathing beauty, you
OLIVE (overlapping Olive’s Mom)
How I wish you were
How I wish you were home
God, we love the way you grew
Since you were born
OLIVE (overlapping Olive’s Dad)
How I wish you were
How I wish you were home
Olive, we couldn’t be prouder
Mama, Mama, Mama
How I wish you were home
OLIVE’S MOM, OLIVE’S DAD (overlapping Olive)
Please let me say it
One time louder
I love you
I love you
I love everything about you [DAD: baby, MOM: dear]
And I swear
It’s true
I love you
I love you
I love you, Mama
I love you
I love everything about you [DAD: baby, MOM: dear]
OLIVE (overlapping Olive’s Mom, Olive’s Dad)
And I swear
It’s true
I love
OLIVE (spoken)
Chimerical. C-h-i-m-e-r-i-c-a-l. Highly unrealistic, wildly fanciful.
MR. PANCH (spoken)
That is correct.
I love you
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Nothin' Suits Me Like a Suit
One of my favorite shows on tv I How I Met Your Mother. The chacters are outragious and I think that the story line is very good even though they are slightly adult. In that show, Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris, is the player who can get any girl that he wants in the world. In the one hundredth episode, Barney bet that he could get with the hot bartender but there is a problem. He wears suits everywhere and everytime. He even has suit pajamas. The problem is that the bartender has just been dumped by a suit wearing man and unless Barney gives up his suits, he will lose the bet. This is his response when she asked him to make the choice. This is a great show and this episode was especially funny. He is a talented singer and dancer and I was impressed that this song came out of no where. Hope you enjoy this.
Here are the lyrics so you can sing along:
Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit
by Barney Stinson
I know what you’re thinking
What’s Barney been drinking?
That girl was smoking hot
Yes I coulda nailed her
But no it’s not a failure
‘Cuz there’s one thing she is not
To score a ten would be just fine
But I’d rather be dressed to the nines
It’s a truth you can’t refute
Nothing suits me like a suit
Picture a world where all the girls and boys
Are impeccably well dressed
That delivery guy in the jacket and tie
That puppy in the double-breast
That ’80s dude in mutton chops
That baby with a lollipop
That lady cop who’s kinda cute
Nothing suits ‘em like a suit
Wingman I can wear
They’re oh so debonair
The perfect way to snare
a girl with daddy issues
In navy blue or black
Check out this perfect rack
I want to give them a squeeze
Oh really? Then answer these questions
If you please
What would you do if you had to choose
Between your suits and a pot of gold? Suits.
What would you say
If you gave your suits away
In return you’d never grow old? Suits.
What would you pick
One million chicks
Or a single three-piece suit? It’s moot.
What if world peace
Were within your reach … Abbadabada I’m gonna stop you right there. It’s suits. Come on, Lily. Get your head outta your ass.
Two! Three! Four!
Girls will go and girls will come
But there’s only one absolute
Every bro on the go needs to know
That there’s no accepted substitute
I’m sorry suits, let’s make amends
My Sunday best are my best friends
Send casual Friday down the laundry chute
‘Cuz nothing suits the undisputed oft-saluted suitor of repute
Like a …. wait for it …
Then again, she is pretty hot.
Here are the lyrics so you can sing along:
Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit
by Barney Stinson
I know what you’re thinking
What’s Barney been drinking?
That girl was smoking hot
Yes I coulda nailed her
But no it’s not a failure
‘Cuz there’s one thing she is not
To score a ten would be just fine
But I’d rather be dressed to the nines
It’s a truth you can’t refute
Nothing suits me like a suit
Picture a world where all the girls and boys
Are impeccably well dressed
That delivery guy in the jacket and tie
That puppy in the double-breast
That ’80s dude in mutton chops
That baby with a lollipop
That lady cop who’s kinda cute
Nothing suits ‘em like a suit
Wingman I can wear
They’re oh so debonair
The perfect way to snare
a girl with daddy issues
In navy blue or black
Check out this perfect rack
I want to give them a squeeze
Oh really? Then answer these questions
If you please
What would you do if you had to choose
Between your suits and a pot of gold? Suits.
What would you say
If you gave your suits away
In return you’d never grow old? Suits.
What would you pick
One million chicks
Or a single three-piece suit? It’s moot.
What if world peace
Were within your reach … Abbadabada I’m gonna stop you right there. It’s suits. Come on, Lily. Get your head outta your ass.
Two! Three! Four!
Girls will go and girls will come
But there’s only one absolute
Every bro on the go needs to know
That there’s no accepted substitute
I’m sorry suits, let’s make amends
My Sunday best are my best friends
Send casual Friday down the laundry chute
‘Cuz nothing suits the undisputed oft-saluted suitor of repute
Like a …. wait for it …
Then again, she is pretty hot.
Monday, January 25, 2010

If you haven't seen Avatar, the record breaking movie, you haven't lived. I have seen the movie twice and i will go again if I get the chance. There is so much to be impressed about. And I haven't even seen the 3-D version yet. The story is great. It teaches us about the respect for nature we should have and we don't. We are destroying the world and we know it but we don't do anything about it. In this movie, the humans are just like us. They are blind to what the Na'vi people see all around them: the life in nature that helps them survive. This causes a large struggle between the humans and the aliens. Or more appropriately, the Na'vi and the aliens, us.
The next impressive thing was the graphics. I love how well it was made. I can actually imagine a world just like Pandora existing. The animals remind me very much of dinosaurs. They are large reptilian looking creatures but they were similar enough to our animals here that we feel we can know what they would be like. They have these amazing pterodactyl like creatures called Ikran, or as the humans call them banshees. They ride them through the skies and hunt and fight with them. These creatures are loyal to only one in their life and campletely awesome.
The last thing that I think is amazing is something kind of subtle: the language. The language, Na'vian, that was used in the movie is actually a language. It has it's own rules for how it works and hundreds of words that you can actually use to speak with. Go to to learn how to actually use the language, if you have time.
This such a great movie and the best part is, James Cameron, the director and writer, says that he is planning to make to sequels. so for all of you like me who are in love with Avatar in just a few years there will be a sequel that can break records for its gross income and that will restart the Avatar mania.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Eric Whitacre
A couple months ago, my AP Music Theory teacher told us about this person named eric Whitacre. We were discussing what happend after the common practice period of music and he just came up. Since then, however, this song of his has been haunting me. It is called "When David Heard." It is very sad and impressive. There is a part where there are 18 second intervals stacked on top of each other. With vocals like that, you can't help but be intrigued. It is too long to be in one video so I will put it on in two.
and here is a great california show choir doing a condensed version.
and here is a great california show choir doing a condensed version.
My Dream Ballad
I realized that I love sad ballads for show choir now. It is weird but you can go to one competition and see about twenty ballads where the soprano sings the high note at they end and everyone steps out for the big moment at the end. But you can go to countless competitions and rarely will you see a serious or sad ballad where everybody sits and waits at the end of the song to applaud because they don't want to break the mood. when it is so thick with tension that the audience holds their breathe you know that you have an amazing ballad. As you may have read in my earlier post The Essence of a Ballad, one of the songs that I think would be a good ballad is Twenty one Guns by Green Day. I thought about it and I think it needs another song with it. Then I heard my newest song addiction Russian Roulette by Rihanna.
These songs both are about guns but that isn't what brings them together. It is the fact that they are both about giving up or giving in. If you can imagine, I would change the key of 21 Guns to be minor like Russian Roulette. The words of the choruses would be combined. the beginning could have either a guys solo or a girls solo and the big bridges of the songs could be overlapped with the guys singing 21 Guns and the girls singing Russian Roulette. I can imagine it now: The drum pulsing, the music winding down, and the last note drifting through the air. Ending in silence.
These songs both are about guns but that isn't what brings them together. It is the fact that they are both about giving up or giving in. If you can imagine, I would change the key of 21 Guns to be minor like Russian Roulette. The words of the choruses would be combined. the beginning could have either a guys solo or a girls solo and the big bridges of the songs could be overlapped with the guys singing 21 Guns and the girls singing Russian Roulette. I can imagine it now: The drum pulsing, the music winding down, and the last note drifting through the air. Ending in silence.
Why such Depressing Songs?
This year, my show choir has a pretty dark part of our show. We sing Mad World by Tears for Fears as our ballad, I'm Alive from Next to Normal, and Loose Yourself by Eminem. This pretty dark when you look at each of those songs more in depth for what they mean. It is strange too, seeing that our show choir is called Happiness inc. This once joyful group has now decided to do more depressing and sad music. But it isn't just my show choir. Listen to the radio. Look at the songs topping the charts. They are sad and terrible. Russian Roulette by Rihanna
How much more clear can it get. This song is clearly about the game of putting a revolver to your head and firing. Can there be more of a depressing song. Yet this song was really well liked when it came out. But why? Then there is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
I don't know how long ago this song came out but it is still one of the most popular songs on the radio. The title tells you all you need to know to know that this song is not happy in meaning. Having a bad romance is not positive although this song is strange and songs happy so it is hard to tell that this song is not happy.
And these are just a few examples. Most popular songs have negative themes. They aren't all as sad as Rihanna's or as blatant as Gaga's but they are there and we seem to enjoy them which raises a big question: Why?
There are obvious answers. I think that we are at a time when the lyrics in our songs mean less and less. Think of rap music. People like rap for the beat and the rhythm of the music but they don't really care what is said. And pop music is similar. If the tune is catchy and the words are easy to learn it doesn't really matter what they are. But there aren't songs without words that are popular right now. So maybe we just want simple lyrics that don't make us think to figure them out.
Or is it that the world is in depression and we want people that relate to us? The global economy as a whole is falling to pieces, terrorism is on a rise, and we are still at war and have been for years. With so much heavy stuff weighing the world down, it is no wonder that those who write their feelings into songs would be writing about sad topics. I know I write sad lyrics when I am down and I'm sure others do too.
But not every song on the radio is sad. When people aren't happy they want two things: understanding and something uplifting. That constitutes the other part of the popular songs. Uplifting. Time for Miracles by Adam Lambert
This song is still a bit sad but it has the determined them because as he says he ain't givin up on love. This is what everyone wants. Even in the worst of times they want to believe that they should keep faith. And since people look at celebrities for models they are positively influenced by the messages in songs like this one. And then there is Nickelback.
Never Gonna Be Alone
Gotta Be Somebody
If Today Was Your Last Day
These songs are strangely inspirational to me even though they are rock songs. they aren't kind about how they sound but they have great messages in their lyrics. All these songs were off their newest album too.
So maybe the world is a little down right now. Maybe it is affecting our media. But some of us have taken charge to help lift our spirts, give us hope, and maybe someday we will write song purely about joy and happiness, and we will all believe it.
How much more clear can it get. This song is clearly about the game of putting a revolver to your head and firing. Can there be more of a depressing song. Yet this song was really well liked when it came out. But why? Then there is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
I don't know how long ago this song came out but it is still one of the most popular songs on the radio. The title tells you all you need to know to know that this song is not happy in meaning. Having a bad romance is not positive although this song is strange and songs happy so it is hard to tell that this song is not happy.
And these are just a few examples. Most popular songs have negative themes. They aren't all as sad as Rihanna's or as blatant as Gaga's but they are there and we seem to enjoy them which raises a big question: Why?
There are obvious answers. I think that we are at a time when the lyrics in our songs mean less and less. Think of rap music. People like rap for the beat and the rhythm of the music but they don't really care what is said. And pop music is similar. If the tune is catchy and the words are easy to learn it doesn't really matter what they are. But there aren't songs without words that are popular right now. So maybe we just want simple lyrics that don't make us think to figure them out.
Or is it that the world is in depression and we want people that relate to us? The global economy as a whole is falling to pieces, terrorism is on a rise, and we are still at war and have been for years. With so much heavy stuff weighing the world down, it is no wonder that those who write their feelings into songs would be writing about sad topics. I know I write sad lyrics when I am down and I'm sure others do too.
But not every song on the radio is sad. When people aren't happy they want two things: understanding and something uplifting. That constitutes the other part of the popular songs. Uplifting. Time for Miracles by Adam Lambert
This song is still a bit sad but it has the determined them because as he says he ain't givin up on love. This is what everyone wants. Even in the worst of times they want to believe that they should keep faith. And since people look at celebrities for models they are positively influenced by the messages in songs like this one. And then there is Nickelback.
Never Gonna Be Alone
Gotta Be Somebody
If Today Was Your Last Day
These songs are strangely inspirational to me even though they are rock songs. they aren't kind about how they sound but they have great messages in their lyrics. All these songs were off their newest album too.
So maybe the world is a little down right now. Maybe it is affecting our media. But some of us have taken charge to help lift our spirts, give us hope, and maybe someday we will write song purely about joy and happiness, and we will all believe it.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Mad World
I have been analyzing this song for the past six months with my show choir and it has a lot of emotion. The song is about a depressed high school student that is really ignored by most of the world and wants to end his life. I have never felt that down but I can understand some of what he is feeling. I also feel like we live in a mad world right now with the wars and terrorism and disease going around. I hope you are as moved by this song as I was.
This is the original version from the movie Donnie Darko.
This is the slightly altered Adam Lambert version of the song.
This is the original version from the movie Donnie Darko.
This is the slightly altered Adam Lambert version of the song.
The Finals Spirit
In any Show choir event there are lots of important moments: an effective warm up, a great first show, cheer for your fellow groups. But of all of the moments that are important, it is the performance in the finals round that is the most important. There is a lot of work that goes into creating the perfect finals show but in the end, you have no control over what really happens. Your fate doesn’t land in your hand but in the hand of the people across the auditorium in the light of their lamps: the judges.
The preparation begins with the results of your day round performance. The group forms a circle, excitement pulsing throughout the room. Members file in, the nerves getting more and more forceful with every person who enters that isn’t the director. And finally, he passes through the threshold and into the room, the results in the manila envelope under his arm. People beg at his feet, the wait for the results killing them slowly as they silently pray that what happens is positive. He draws out the papers, and time seems to slow down until he finally announces your place. The place is almost irrelevant. Whether it is good, bad, or indifferent the finals round is a clean slate and you have to earn your position all over again. No matter what level of show you achieved during the day round.
The director tells you the time you must be dressed and ready to perform at and releases you to do as you please until that point. This is when you individually get ready for the show. You cope with any negative things that may have happened during the day round and become mentally sound enough to leave everything you have on the stage even if you will need help to get off the stage afterwards. When the time arrives, you put on your costume and you are no longer yourself but a member of the group ready to do what is best for the whole.
That is when the next step comes: Guy Time. As a group, we, the guys, like to converse about our strengths and weaknesses and how we can achieve our best possible performance as a sex. These conversations never leave the room so we can freely word our speech to create the most influential and moving address possible. Comments such as: “It’s like the last part of a time trial on Mario Kart and you can see the ghost right next to you. So you have to mushroom ahead with all you have.” As humorous as we can get, the things we discuss always have a purpose. The finals are like a race; everyone can see the prize but only one can reach it first. If you don’t try to be the first then there is no point in getting on the stage so do what you can to succeed and, “if someone comes off the stage injured you know you performed your best.” As a wise fortune cookie said, “If you believe, then you will succeed.” With a resounding cheer of “Penis Power,” the men march to the homeroom ready for the next step in the finals preparation.
Upon arrival at the homeroom, the group forms lines two by two with their opener partner. And the journey begins. Through the halls we walk, past the homerooms of those who we are competing with. Critical eyes stare us down the whole way and, no matter what they say as you walk by, everyone wishes we would make some terrible mistake to give them the edge they need to overtake us and be closer to the win. It becomes a mental battle from then on and the question is: do you have the drive to win? As the walk comes to a close, you end at the final destination: The Warm up Room.
This is truly the moment where you realize everything has to come together. All the things that you were told to improve upon in your critique must be practiced and the final mental setting created. For the first time, you can realize the full potential of your group. For the first time, everyone is actually giving one hundred and ten percent as they prepare to give the best show of their lives. As the areas containing wrinkles are ironed out, the group forms a circle, each person holding the hand of the member next to them. All hearts beat as one as the director steps forward to give the final words of encouragement. He says what the true feeling that the group has which is: trophies are great but what truly matters is that we perform to the best of our abilities. And even more important is remembering that show choir is meant to be performed for the audience and for the fun of performing not to impress the judges and win trophies for it. And with that, the circle rushes in to the center. Everyone puts their hand in the mix whether be it on someone’s shoulder or directly in the center of the mass. “Alright, alright, alright. Alright, alright, alright. Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay, okay. Alright. Alright. Okay. Okay. Get down Happiness,” is the cheer that rises from the group and with a massive cheer the group moves towards the stage to show what they have got.
And as the stage opens ahead of you, you see the light of the judges lamps, hear the roar of the adoring fans, and you know this is why you do what you do. And in an instant it is just like the lyrics to one of the best Eminem songs. You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. So take your shot and “Shine like the Sun.”
For those of you who don't know about show choir, click here to view what Wikipedia has to say about show choir.
The preparation begins with the results of your day round performance. The group forms a circle, excitement pulsing throughout the room. Members file in, the nerves getting more and more forceful with every person who enters that isn’t the director. And finally, he passes through the threshold and into the room, the results in the manila envelope under his arm. People beg at his feet, the wait for the results killing them slowly as they silently pray that what happens is positive. He draws out the papers, and time seems to slow down until he finally announces your place. The place is almost irrelevant. Whether it is good, bad, or indifferent the finals round is a clean slate and you have to earn your position all over again. No matter what level of show you achieved during the day round.
The director tells you the time you must be dressed and ready to perform at and releases you to do as you please until that point. This is when you individually get ready for the show. You cope with any negative things that may have happened during the day round and become mentally sound enough to leave everything you have on the stage even if you will need help to get off the stage afterwards. When the time arrives, you put on your costume and you are no longer yourself but a member of the group ready to do what is best for the whole.
That is when the next step comes: Guy Time. As a group, we, the guys, like to converse about our strengths and weaknesses and how we can achieve our best possible performance as a sex. These conversations never leave the room so we can freely word our speech to create the most influential and moving address possible. Comments such as: “It’s like the last part of a time trial on Mario Kart and you can see the ghost right next to you. So you have to mushroom ahead with all you have.” As humorous as we can get, the things we discuss always have a purpose. The finals are like a race; everyone can see the prize but only one can reach it first. If you don’t try to be the first then there is no point in getting on the stage so do what you can to succeed and, “if someone comes off the stage injured you know you performed your best.” As a wise fortune cookie said, “If you believe, then you will succeed.” With a resounding cheer of “Penis Power,” the men march to the homeroom ready for the next step in the finals preparation.
Upon arrival at the homeroom, the group forms lines two by two with their opener partner. And the journey begins. Through the halls we walk, past the homerooms of those who we are competing with. Critical eyes stare us down the whole way and, no matter what they say as you walk by, everyone wishes we would make some terrible mistake to give them the edge they need to overtake us and be closer to the win. It becomes a mental battle from then on and the question is: do you have the drive to win? As the walk comes to a close, you end at the final destination: The Warm up Room.
This is truly the moment where you realize everything has to come together. All the things that you were told to improve upon in your critique must be practiced and the final mental setting created. For the first time, you can realize the full potential of your group. For the first time, everyone is actually giving one hundred and ten percent as they prepare to give the best show of their lives. As the areas containing wrinkles are ironed out, the group forms a circle, each person holding the hand of the member next to them. All hearts beat as one as the director steps forward to give the final words of encouragement. He says what the true feeling that the group has which is: trophies are great but what truly matters is that we perform to the best of our abilities. And even more important is remembering that show choir is meant to be performed for the audience and for the fun of performing not to impress the judges and win trophies for it. And with that, the circle rushes in to the center. Everyone puts their hand in the mix whether be it on someone’s shoulder or directly in the center of the mass. “Alright, alright, alright. Alright, alright, alright. Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay, okay. Alright. Alright. Okay. Okay. Get down Happiness,” is the cheer that rises from the group and with a massive cheer the group moves towards the stage to show what they have got.
And as the stage opens ahead of you, you see the light of the judges lamps, hear the roar of the adoring fans, and you know this is why you do what you do. And in an instant it is just like the lyrics to one of the best Eminem songs. You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime. So take your shot and “Shine like the Sun.”
For those of you who don't know about show choir, click here to view what Wikipedia has to say about show choir.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The time we spend in school
Have you ever thought about how much time you spend doing things involved with school. Probably not for real. I know that I sometimes exaggerate and say that I spend my whole life at school. That isn't exactly true but I decided that I would take a look at how much time we really do spend at school.
According to the University of Michigan's study kids spend an average of four hours a week on homework and 32.5 hours at school a week. I believe that they were smoking something when they did this study because this isn't even close to correct. I would say that, on average, students spend seven hours a day at school and about four hours a night on homework and that doesn't count activities. I know my day starts at seven AM with what my school calls a zero hour class. My day continues until three forty five PM with an extra class during seventh hour. And I know that most of my school does that same thing. Then you have to add activities.
this site shows a definition of extra curricular activities. I think this is a good list of things that kids at my school do. I know that most of my friends are involved in at least one sport, club, music group, or another school related extra activity. I am involved in speech team, show choir, orchestra, concert choir, and plays at my school. With all of the performances and rehersals that I have for those activities I spend close to 51 hours at school during a school week not in cluding performances on saturdays or once in a while during the week. Ask any one at my school, they spend almost as much time as I do at school and sometimes more.
the question now isn't so much how much time we spend at school but should we be spending that much time at school. Being a high schooler myself I don't think we should spend some much time at school. I spend some much time on homework after school that I end up getting about five hours of sleep a night and I don't get all of my homework done even after all that. This is pretty much the norm when it comes to school and homework. Most of the kids in my class tak e hard class, do lots of activities, and get almost no sleep. This can't be healthy for us and it really isn't possible because we end up doing our homework in our classes because we can't get it done at night. We need a solution but until we find one, we will suffer our way through the hours at school.
According to the University of Michigan's study kids spend an average of four hours a week on homework and 32.5 hours at school a week. I believe that they were smoking something when they did this study because this isn't even close to correct. I would say that, on average, students spend seven hours a day at school and about four hours a night on homework and that doesn't count activities. I know my day starts at seven AM with what my school calls a zero hour class. My day continues until three forty five PM with an extra class during seventh hour. And I know that most of my school does that same thing. Then you have to add activities.
this site shows a definition of extra curricular activities. I think this is a good list of things that kids at my school do. I know that most of my friends are involved in at least one sport, club, music group, or another school related extra activity. I am involved in speech team, show choir, orchestra, concert choir, and plays at my school. With all of the performances and rehersals that I have for those activities I spend close to 51 hours at school during a school week not in cluding performances on saturdays or once in a while during the week. Ask any one at my school, they spend almost as much time as I do at school and sometimes more.
the question now isn't so much how much time we spend at school but should we be spending that much time at school. Being a high schooler myself I don't think we should spend some much time at school. I spend some much time on homework after school that I end up getting about five hours of sleep a night and I don't get all of my homework done even after all that. This is pretty much the norm when it comes to school and homework. Most of the kids in my class tak e hard class, do lots of activities, and get almost no sleep. This can't be healthy for us and it really isn't possible because we end up doing our homework in our classes because we can't get it done at night. We need a solution but until we find one, we will suffer our way through the hours at school.
The Things We Appreciate
I was sitting in my house when I heard a huge crash in the kitchen. I turned my head to see my brother picking up the pieces of his gumball machine he bought twenty minutes before. My mom hadn't even had time to take the money back from him and he had already ruined his new toy. But this isn't a new thing. My brother has managed to break all of the toys that I had been I was a kid and passed down to him. I have realized that he doesn't care about the things that he has like I did when I was his age. It isn't just my youngest sibling but all my younger siblings who don't care as much as I do. My eldest little sister continually drops her cell phone which is sure to break one of these days. My littler little sister has lost her iPod more times than I can count. She is now forced to give it to my mom everytime that she is not currently listening to it.
So what happend? I don't think that I have ever not cared about what I had. I have only ever had a few things because I don't like to spend money and I have to buy things for myself mostly. Maybe that is it; my siblings have gotten more things from my parents money so they don't appreciate the things they have as much.
Or is it more of what we talked about in AP US. We as a country have started to make products that fall apart faster than ever. 1% of all products we buy are still in use six months after they were purchased. If that is true, then my family fits in to that catagory. Maybe we aren't so different from the rest of the world but it is still wrong to live like this. I hope that one day we can stop being so wasteful but I doubt it will happen soon. Until then we will have to live with throwing away everything.
So what happend? I don't think that I have ever not cared about what I had. I have only ever had a few things because I don't like to spend money and I have to buy things for myself mostly. Maybe that is it; my siblings have gotten more things from my parents money so they don't appreciate the things they have as much.
Or is it more of what we talked about in AP US. We as a country have started to make products that fall apart faster than ever. 1% of all products we buy are still in use six months after they were purchased. If that is true, then my family fits in to that catagory. Maybe we aren't so different from the rest of the world but it is still wrong to live like this. I hope that one day we can stop being so wasteful but I doubt it will happen soon. Until then we will have to live with throwing away everything.
The First Attempt
Yesterday, my show choir attend Viterbo show choir competition. Since it was such a long drive, we literally spent an entire 24 hours at the competition and driving there and back. This was a great contest and I really enjoyed how well it was run.
My school received sixth and third in the finals for our prep and varsity respectively and we had the best male soloist in the varsity group. That was amazing for our school and especially our prep group who deserves to compete with varsity groups. They should tones of improvement in their show from when I had last seen it and I couldn't be more proud. They are upholding the groups name well. I was also happy with how my group did. Although I love to win and am a competitive person, I felt that I learned a lot about our show and what we can work onto get better before Linn-mar Supernova next Saturday. I also realized that it really doesn't matter if you win as long as you perform your best show. I think that the finals performance that we gave was the best show we had done yet this year. I know that we can do better but this was the first competition of the year and we can only get better from now on. This was also the first time in the groups history that we have been ready this early. I think that our director was right in saying that just the fact that we performed was a win for the group. I think that we really came together as a group yesterday. We were more like a family and our leaders really shined during the pep talks. This competition taught us how to be a show choir and left us hungry for more. Viterbo = third, Linn-mar = who knows.
If you want follow how show choirs are ranked through the year click here. This is a great site that has actual ways of figuring out which show choirs are best.
My school received sixth and third in the finals for our prep and varsity respectively and we had the best male soloist in the varsity group. That was amazing for our school and especially our prep group who deserves to compete with varsity groups. They should tones of improvement in their show from when I had last seen it and I couldn't be more proud. They are upholding the groups name well. I was also happy with how my group did. Although I love to win and am a competitive person, I felt that I learned a lot about our show and what we can work onto get better before Linn-mar Supernova next Saturday. I also realized that it really doesn't matter if you win as long as you perform your best show. I think that the finals performance that we gave was the best show we had done yet this year. I know that we can do better but this was the first competition of the year and we can only get better from now on. This was also the first time in the groups history that we have been ready this early. I think that our director was right in saying that just the fact that we performed was a win for the group. I think that we really came together as a group yesterday. We were more like a family and our leaders really shined during the pep talks. This competition taught us how to be a show choir and left us hungry for more. Viterbo = third, Linn-mar = who knows.
If you want follow how show choirs are ranked through the year click here. This is a great site that has actual ways of figuring out which show choirs are best.
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